The Lure Lodge

In July 2014 my dreams became a reality and The Lure Lodge Ltd was opened; and we have gone from strength to strength. We were humbled by the suppliers who were willing to give us a chance; and proud of those which we have secured along the way. We have had the foresight to expand at a rate that means we're not getting too big for our waders; but with the knowledge you can never have too much stock! We are pleased to be able to cater for all aspects of fishing. Whilst we do not promise we have everything for everyone; we are most definitely working on it!. We are always on the hunt for new and innovative products focused on the fishing tackle market; and have introduced some suppliers not even heard of here! We are no ordinary tackle shop. Most of our fixtures and fittings have come from recycled material; and our aim to always keep an airy ambiance wherever possible. We hope to see you soon!