Paisley Abercorn Angling Club

The Paisley Abercorn Angling Club was established in 1894 and holds the fishing rights for Salmon, Sea-trout, Brown Trout and Grayling plus all coarse fish on it’s waters. All the fish are natural as we do not stock the rivers and our native fish will give a good fight better than any stocked fish will ever manage.

We as a club within the Clyde Catchment area follow the guidelines laid down by the Scottish Government and as such we are currently classed as cat3 for the fishing of Salmon. What this means to us as anglers is that if we catch a salmon we must by Law under all circumstances return this fish to the water irrespective of the condition the fish is in.

The club waters cover the River White Cart up to Crookston Bridge with no breaks in the river, the Cart from Inchinnan to the meetings pool of the Gryffe and the Black Cart, and the most of the River Gryffe from the junction with the Black Cart up to Bridge of Weir.